Have a nice time @ my place. Muah!

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Stay strong!

Hello y'all

I know it's been a while since I wrote something down...*grinning*. I hope to do more writing from time to time though...

There's something that struck me sometime ago and I will like to share with us...
I was going through a bible passage in one of my quiet moments, and I was reading the book of Job chapter 1. There was something that struck me which was from verse 6-12. Verse 7: The LORD said to Satan, "From where do you come?" Then Satan answered the LORD and said, "From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it." , God asked him if he had considered his servant, Job (“meanwhile and I’m like "God, why you go do this kain tin na? Afterall, Job been dey on him own and him noh do enittin wrong")  and just called on satan to go and disturb Job.
Bottom line, God was proud of Job as his own and he also wanted to use his own to shine before the devil and there was also a deliberation about Job, as to whether or not he was faithful...

Now, how many of us are faithful? How many can be found worthy in even little things. At the end of the day, Job withstood all wiles of the devil and overcame. How many of us can withstand all that? How many of us will keep the faith and still trust God while being tempted?

Bringing it to our day-to-day lives, how many men and women can be found faithful in their relationships, marriages, workplaces...? Can your wife or to-be wife stand up and say “I know my husband/husband-to-be, he/she can be tempted but will not fall for any temptation whatsoever...” can your boss stand up for you and defend you with his/her life in some certain situations? Can your landlord/co-tenants stand in the gap for you where other people try to bring you down falsely?
Cheating, lying, backbiting, stealing...may be easy for you to do and get away with, why don’t you try something challenging like being faithful, truthful...I’ve tried it, and still doing it and it has paid off and still does pay off.

What will you be remembered for? What positive impact have you been able to make in your environment so far?
If out of every 10 persons, 8 are found faithful, this world would be a better place to live in.
Let me drop off here for now...

Till I come your way soonest, be good!


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