Hey peeps, hope we are all doing great.
I was going through my archive to see what I have posted and the ones I haven't and I found out that I didn't get to post this one below. This post has been written since 2013 and I have decided to still post it #TeethySmile
A short story...

I was in church for sunday service a few months back and the praise leader (who happens to be my friend) was doing her thing. As the songs flowed, she raised a song "Lift him up higher, lift him up higher, the Lord is good I will lift him up higher....." immediately she raised it, people from left, right and center began to demonstrate the meaning of the song and the next thing was something hitting me right in the deepest part of my nostril...the smell that emanated was like that from a skunk!

That same day, Pastor mounted the pulpit and was about preaching when he began to charge everyone to give God thanks by raising our hands up to the sky and shout "halleluyaaaaah"...YAY! MO GBE! Another bomb blast hitting me...ahn ahn na! This is not fair o, I thought to myself.
Anyways, after the service, I warned my friend not to sing such a song so long so people who have the tendency to kill can be stopped before their motives can be carried out unknowingly.
We've really come a long way sha! Mrs. Adebayo...I doubt if you would remember this day though. Lol.
We've really come a long way sha! Mrs. Adebayo...I doubt if you would remember this day though. Lol.
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