Have a nice time @ my place. Muah!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Just the beginning...

Howdy! Howdy!! Howdy!!! Hmph...ok...let me start by introducing myself...

My name is Nike and from my name, you would know I'm female...though, male in nature sometimes...lol. This is my first post on this blog and of course, I'll be bringing your way a lot of things to read...let me not talk too much about what and what I'll be writing about, just sit back, relax and I hope to make this blog an interesting one.

Till I come your way again, I pray God will keep us so that I can write more and you may read more of what I have written *smiling*.

Also wishing you all a merry christmas and Happy new year in advance.

Love you all.



  1. Hi Nike,

    Nice to know you finally have a "functional" blog!

  2. Welcome to blogsville, sweetie. 'Looking forward to your posts.

    I'm following your blog o. Would you mind doing the same for me? :)


  3. Thanks dear. I'll do just that. Do have a nice day...


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