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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Health Matters Part 1

It is so sad how we perceive wonders from within and "without" the bodies of full grown individuals we come across every other day.
Some people know and acknowledge the fact that they have smells coming out from their bodies and they make sure they find a solution to if not eliminate it (at least that is a first good step), try to curb it so that they do not embarrass themselves wherever they are...whereas there are some who DO NOT even know that they possess such "amazing" attributes.

Today, I will be writing on the type of smell associated with the mouth -- HALITOSIS and will deal with other types in subsequent posts.
It is most annoying when an individual comes so close to ones face just in a bid to pass a message across...especially those that "have it". It's just that sometimes one has to be modest and civil so as not to embarrass the talker about it and just take it in good fate even though dying. I have been moved to write about this because I see people go about it embarrassing themselves unknowingly. So, this is a “lil” way I can reach people and also help "indirectly"...but some people just smell with reckless abandon shaaa!!! #Iweep.

Do You Have Halitosis?
Bad breath is often caused by a build-up of bacteria in your mouth that causes inflammation and gives off noxious odours or gases that sometimes smell like sulphur or even worse.
Everybody has nasty breath at some point, like when you get out of bed in the morning. Not sure if your breath is bad? Then one of the ways to find out is to ask a trusted friend (one who can take a bullet for you...lolz) “Does my breath smell?” and breathe out into the person’s face (I do that with my friend Leecious #EvilGrin) or breathe into your palms closed up to your face and perceive it.
There's another way to know...it may seem a bit gross, but look at and smell your dental floss after you use it. If your floss smells or there is blood on it, then you are “having it!” right there.
Imagine you are talking to someone and you perceive something strange leave your buccal cavity or you notice that the facial expression of the person you are talking to changes...negatively that is, just be smart enough to retreat from opening your mouth so much to curb the air from moving too fast towards the person’s face and thereafter, check your breath before you can then conclude if it is what has left your buccal area to the person's  nasal area that has changed the facial expression of your ‘talkee’. 

What causes it?
Studies show that about 80% of bad breath comes from an oral source. For instance, cavities or gum disease can lead to bad breath, as can tonsils that have trapped food particles; cracked fillings (holes in the teeth), and less-than-clean dentures.
Several internal medical conditions also can cause your breath to go downhill fast. Some people may have immaculate and shiny white teeth with tongue as clean as should be, but could still have bad breath. They include diabetes, liver disease, acid reflux, respiratory tract infections, chronic bronchitis and other stomach conditions...you would want to see your doctor to rule out things like reflux, post-nasal, and other causes of chronic dry mouth (Xerostomia).

Tips to help save lives (and embarrassment on your side)
  • Drink water often to keep your mouth moist. Bad breath is often related to dry mouth
  • Always carry gum on you...and it's not just for you to carry it, CHEW IT!
  • Still on gum; Sugar-less gum will help to stimulate saliva production. This will help wash out some of the bacteria and food particles and to keep the mouth moist. Mint gum also will help the situation (Orbit, PK to mention a few are very easily available).
  • Avoid floury substances or drink water and rinse out your mouth very well if you really have to eat that cake, chin chin, buns or "puff-puff" as the case may be.
  • Rinse your mouth out with salt from time to time.
  • A lil bit of alcohol--whiskey (for herbal cleansing...lol). It actually helps to kill the germs on teeth causing smells and will mask the bad odour in small amounts. Don't overdo it though...besides creating a bad impression, breath worsens if more alcohol is consumed. 
  • When alone, look into the mirror, stick out your tongue and check for a pasty white substance on it. Use something like a spoon or your fingernails to scrape your tongue, using a back to front motion. Try to relax or you will gag. Rinse your mouth and your hand VERY WELL O! (before you go about touching and shaking people with the hand) to get rid of the foul-smelling stuff.  This most likely indicates a thrush infection. 
  • Brush your tongue (VERY WELL O! Like you are scrubbing toilet...lol) as part of your daily dental care routine. A toothbrush with fairly hard bristles (for those that have stubborn smells) and some GOOD toothpaste will do--I have taken my time to find out from personal experience and also from other people that close-up does not really work for some people. A large percentage of people with bad breath apparently do not realize that food particles and bacteria lodge into lines and grooves of the tongue and stay there until the tongue is cleaned properly. When brushing your tongue, get as far back on the tongue as possible (yes food gathers there too) but don't jam the toothbrush so far back into your mouth, you may induce vomiting.
  • Don't lean in too closely towards whoever you may be talking to. Keep a civil distance and if you feel the need to cough, sneeze or exhale deeply, use a tissue or handkerchief or quickly excuse yourself otherwise, you risk allowing your breath “travel across boarder”.
  • Brush your teeth (I prefer saying "brush your mouth" because some people just concentrate on washing only the teeth and leave out the tongue) twice per day. It is most important to brush before going to bed as the bacteria that causes bad breath multiplies and are most active while you sleep.
  • Flossing at bedtime is helpful. The bacteria in your mouth will use the food bits between your teeth to stink up your mouth and make cavities in your teeth! So flossing helps to reduce the rate at which the bacteria grows.
  • Also consider getting mouthwash for a truly fresh mouth. Be careful not to use it excessively as some people don't like heavy scents and this could be a major put off to acquaintances, friends, family and even your loved ones. It'll also be far worse if they get a whiff of the bad breath and the scent all rolled into one!
  • There are some lip glosses (for the ladies) that taste like mint, you may apply and then discreetly lick your lips...and if you as a man like it, carry go and walk around with shiny lips  #Wink.
  • Last but not the least, when you have closed your mouth for a very long time, try to open it and breathe out (not obviously though) so as to let go of the staleness that may have built up in there.
If bad breath is a frequent problem, consider how long it has been since your last trip to the dentist. Bad breath can be caused by gum disease also known as Periodontitis.
Bad breath can also be caused by a candida (yeast infection), having this will give you a constant white furry tongue. Look at cutting down your intake of sugars and processed foods, as well as those containing yeast.
If bad oral hygiene is the cause of bad breath rather than a bad choice at lunchtime, use the embarrassment of worrying about bad breath to motivate you to floss, brush and mouthwash properly from now on. It's easier than having to find a quick solution!
Drinking too much whiskey (or any alcoholic drink) can be a bad idea for obvious reasons. Although being drunk might get rid of your worrying about bad breath (lolz) but be advised that your strange behaviour will be noticed more than the bad breath.

For those who do not know, here are two (2) pictures of a tongue with thrush/candida and another without:
Non- yeast infected tongue

Yeast infected Tongue

Personal hygiene is one of the things that helps boost the status of individuals. If you careless about the way you take proper care of yourself, then there is every tendency that your respect level from other people who are "facilitators", "examiners" will drop when it comes to personal hygiene.

Respect yourself, and respect others too by keeping clean!

Till I come your way again soon, remain blessed.


1 comment:

  1. So long a letter #WipesSweatOffBrow.
    I even read somewhere last week that apples help reduce mouth odour. So please be nice, if someone has bad breath, just give him or her an apple. *wink
    Thanks for sharing!!!


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