Happy new year all! Wow, d year 2012 has started and it is moving on so fast that I am already seeing February 14th already...lol(don't mind me o).
I know everyone especially in Naija, has a lot to say about "the new beginning" in their lives for the year 2012 since the announcement of the fuel subsidy removal...I know everyone would be expecting me to write about the subsidy wahala, but, NO! That shall I not write about now (meanwhile, eku subsidy
How many of us in the course of entering into the new year, have a goal for this year and I'm not talking about the new year resolution thingy that people talk about and not keep to it...I mean expectations for yourself in this year 2012. I would like for us to know that expectations without participation is failure in disguise and I'm sure no one is focused on being a failure.
3 things to do so as to help focus on our desired expectations are:
1. Do not live a life contradicting your expectations
2. Try as much as possible to speak out your expectations(positive confessions)
3. Act it (faith without works is dead).
Whether there is subsidy removal or not, when you fix your mind to do a particular thing, with God on your side, you will succeed.
Just want to say I believe in you all and I know that we will all get there.
Meanwhile you can say a word or two words to God on behalf of our country Nigeria...
While you are at that, I'm signing out for now, hope to drop more words some other time.
Love Ɣ☺u all...MUAH!
Preach it!!!