Have a nice time @ my place. Muah!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Show some love...

I remember my teenage days where 'the thing called love' set adrenaline pumping, and heart throbbing, with so much butterflies hovering around my stomach. I remember how I wrote love letters, one of which had the following..."As I was walking along the road of love (or so), I saw a golden pen in a golden basket..." bla bla bla. At the end I would use red lipstick to STAMP my signature...abi you sef no do am??? lie na!

Then came the internet to send e-cards, it then progressed to using GSM phones to send text messages, and now the use of  blackberry and smart phones to even take snapshots of one kneeling down and begging to be loved...lol.

I wonder how or what it will be like in the next 50 years from now...maybe words will be written or spoken into the air and it will be delivered by breeze to the person who it is meant for; or better still, kisses will be blown into thin air and it will land on d person whose face it is meant for with a hot sound of "KPASAI", who knows? #justthinking.

It's February, a "month of love" as some people would call it...show love not just this month, but every other month, and don't forget to show God's kind of love (agape) everywhere you go.

God bless y'all.

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