Have a nice time @ my place. Muah!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Letter to a Jewel...

Dear Mama,

A mother, a grandmother and a great-grandmother you were before you left us...
You were a good and a kind-hearted person
You loved everyone around you...
Your face always lit up when you had your family members with you...

You were blessed with 6 wonderful girls who have all grown to become mothers and grandmothers and are all doing well in life's journey. What joy you had seeing this...What more could you ask for?

We love and cherish every moment you spent here with us, it was a time well spent...
Even after your "Guy" left you, you still held on strong for all of us.
We know you were not supposed to leave this way or this soon but God knows best.
Greet J.E for us, tell him we still love and remember him like yesterday...

Six Children, Eighteen Grand children and three Great-grand children, all saying goodbye...
Till we meet again to part no more....it's goodbye from us all.

As we lay you to rest this week, we pray you find eternal rest in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Yours Sincerely,
Evioghene Okpoh (grand-daughter)
On behalf of Jay-E Okpokpor's dynasty.


  1. A rare gem, she will be thoroughly missed, and will never be forgotten


Write it 'ere